Cheap Calcium Carbonate Flour Supplier in Surabaya

Cheap Calcium Carbonate Flour Supplier in Surabaya

Calcium Carbonate is a chemical compound in the form of the CaCO3 formula. Senyawa kimia pada Calcium Carbonate adalah salah satu bahan yang sering digunakan dan ditemukan di seluruh penjuru dunia. Calcium Carbonate is formed from various natural compounds such as the shells of marine organisms, snail, charcoal ball, pearls and egg shells and some other mixed types.

Cheap Calcium Carbonate Flour Supplier in Surabaya

The use of Calcium Carbonate in Indonesia is very much in the industrial sector, originated from the Cement Industry, Glass Glass Industry, Paper Industry, Paint Industry, Steel Processing Refining Industry. Selain dalam bidang industri Kalsium Karbonat dapat bermanfaat di bidang kesehatan yaitu digunakan sebagai bahan obat maag menghilangkan gejala yang diakibatkan dari terlalu banyak asam lambung di perut, in the form of heartburn, abdominal pain or digestive problems. Calcium Carbonate is an antacid type drug that works by reducing the amount of acid in the stomach.

Calcium Carbonate is usually white and is often found in lime stone, calcite, marble and limestone. In addition, Calcium Carbonate is also found in many scalactites and stalagmites in caves around the mountains.

Judging from the quality, Lime stone or Calcium Carbonate has several quality parameters, namely CaCO3 levels, Purity and Hue. In this country, Natural resources of Limestone or its chemical term Calcium Carbonate are numerous and scattered throughout the Indonesian archipelago, from Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi to Papua.

In the Calcium Carbonate market there are two types, in the form of heavy (weight) and light type (light). Heavy calcium carbonate is obtained by melting limestone from mining into fine flour, then filtered until the desired size of flour is obtained. Then the filtered Calcium Carbonate flour is stored in silos or large storage places before packaging.

Cheap Calcium Carbonate Flour Supplier in Surabaya

Meanwhile, light Calcium Carbonate is obtained after going through a rather complicated processing process, of heavy type. First, lime stone is burned into a very large furnace, kemudian di olah dengan proses kimia lain untuk mendapat hasil senyawa Calcium Carbonate CacO3 yang diinginkan.

Along with the increasing demand for Calcium Carbonate in the domestic market, currently we are PT. Golden Stone Indonesia established a Calcium Carbonate processing plant located in Pasuruan, East Java to meet the growing market demands. The products we produce are Calcium Carbonate Granules (Chalk Seeds), Calcium Carbonate Powder and Calcium Carbonate Ultrafine Powder. Supported by a reliable and technological machine, our production has a quantity & reliable quality.

Info & Booking :

031-731 9898 (Phone)

031-734 2634 (Fax)

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